Sunday, December 12, 2010

authors note


             This is a realistic fiction book, but is based on true events. Did you know one out of four kids are getting bullied also 70% of students say bullying starts off with verbal abuse then gets more physical.
            In my experience I have never been bullied but I have seen kids get bullied and sometimes it gets out of control, sometimes teachers and parents just pass by and don’t say anything. Many bullies have problems so they take it out on other kids also they may have some family problems and are full of hate so they take it out on other kids.
           In my book they all become friends at the end; most of the time the bully doesn’t know he is actually hurting other kids in a physical way or mental way so if you are getting bullied tell your guardian and confront the bully because you never know you might become really good friends.

Monday, November 22, 2010

research #2

Another big problem that daily Americans are facing is taxes. taxes have grown a lot and it is not helping the houseless people ratio at all. Taxes is a very big topic in fact, you see on the news almost everyday. The reason for this is because every day people have to pay uncle sam and every day the government get more greedier/needier and they keep wanting to raise taxes but many people cant afford the taxes when they weren't that big now they are in dept of losing there house or going bankrupt.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

research #1

    The topic i will be writing about is, the pollution in america. I think the pollution in america has gone way to far.  America has become one of the most polluted  country and if everyone helps out just a little we can have fresher air, and cleaner streets. Most of the time you dont have to do much to help out  for example if you see trash on the streets pick it up and throw it out, also if you switch your light bulbs to the ones that are energy affect (the spiral looking one) it will help, not much but if everyone does it becomes a lot. Pollution is a big topic and i take a big interest in it so i this will be a good topic for me because i know many people with  asthma and sometime they cant go outside or they will have a hard time breathing because if all the pollution .

Monday, November 8, 2010

read and respond to songs and or poems on social promblems

John Lennon 
Imagine there's no Heaven 
It's easy if you try 
No hell below us 
Above us only sky 
Imagine all the people 
Living for today 

Imagine there's no countries 
It isn't hard to do 
Nothing to kill or die for 
And no religion too 
Imagine all the people 
Living life in peace 

You may say that I'm a dreamer 
But I'm not the only one 
I hope someday you'll join us 
And the world will be as one 

Imagine no possessions 
I wonder if you can 
No need for greed or hunger 
A brotherhood of man 
Imagine all the people 
Sharing all the world 

You may say that I'm a dreamer 
But I'm not the only one 
I hope someday you'll join us 
And the world will live as one 

This song has been played over and over again but it seems like no one listens to it. the main idea of the song is to take away everything that makes people have anger towards others  either for the religion and beliefs. If there were more people like John Lennon there would be no war or hate towards Anything and we would all live in peace. I think this song helped many people be more peaceful. This can be one of the greatest songs ever made.  

observe your surroundings

List of problems for new yorkers 
  • Bills
  • Air Pollution 
  • Taxes
  • Gas prices
  • Transportation Fee 
  • Lack of water

Transportation Fee

        If you haven't heard of the sky rocketing prices of the fees for trains/buses/bridges you have been living under a rock. The price of trains and buses have gone from 2.00 to 2.25 it may not seem like a big difference but  for many they could barley afford the 2.00 , also they are trying to raise the price again. If you have a car and  you dont need trains but you still have to pay for the cost of bridges, the cost of the Verrazano bridge is 11.00 and thats just to go to staten island.  If you think the cost of  is going up in Florida the average cost of a bridge is 2.25. Know why would New York have the most expensive Transportation fee, Its because the New York government is very greedy and always wants more... thats also why New York has bad economy compared to 5 years ago.      

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

media/news immersion

         this week i was watching world news and I saw some interesting news but my favorite was a riot in Palestinian. this happened at October 27,2010. This brings social awareness because the united states want to be a "city upon a hill" so we are now aware. A social action can be the united states trying to help out Palestinian by helping the government to contain the people so this doesn't happen again. the reason the riot happened  was they were marching to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the murder of the radical Rabbi Meir Kahane and to call for the outlaw of the Islamic Movement in Israel. I thought this is very shocking and the usa should try to do as much as possible so this never happens again.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

mother to son

main idea

in the poem mother to son by langston hughes i think she is saying when life isn't perfect try and make the best of it, and keep pushing until everything works out. Also the mom is telling the son that her life isn't and never was perfect but she had to suck it up and make the best of it even if its not what you wanted. I think this is poem has a very strong meaning, and it is true sometimes you have to make the best of life even if your in a tough position.
 When reading this poem I remembered when I was 9 and me and my brother were messing around and long story short i ended up with 4 stitches in my head and it was horrible timing because i had the state test the next day, the next day i woke up a little dizzy but i didnt want to take the test on a make up day so I suck it up, took a children advil and went to school; it was one of the worst days but i still did good in the test which made it much better.

Monday, October 25, 2010

final piece


         While reading the giver I started to appreciate it in many way. In the giver I paid a lot more attention to the details then I did the first time I read the book. I also found many special things that Lois Lowry put into the book. In the book Lois Lowry Imagination is very notable.  I noticed Lois Lowry had a very unique imagination when she tells the reader about the world and the daily life of the people. Also Lois Lowry puts her own style of writing into the; with her emotion, and her dialogue.
           One way I appreciate Lois Lowry imagination is how crazy she makes the world.  when I first realized that the world in the book wasn’t like any other world, I was on page 3-4. Asher had to apologize to his class and ‘instructor’ for being late, he also had to give reasoning why he was late; when I read that , I knew that if I was late for school I would most likely try to make a excuse, and take a late mark or have my mom write a note. I wouldn’t ever have to ask for the ‘instructor’ to ‘accept my apologue’.
            Another way I appreciate The Giver , was Lois Lowry’s imagination on the characters. One character that you can tell Lois Lowry put a lot of effort in, is Jonas. I think is a character that stands out a lot, because he is the one that is different (he didn’t agree with the utopia. Jonas started to question just why they have to live like they do.  When they released one of the twins just because one was different, once this happens Jonas snaps and begins to led the rebellion.
            Lastly, in the giver I appreciate Lois Lowry style of writing. One way Lois Lowry style of writing is unique, is the emotion she puts into the book. In the book she adds many types of emotion, even though in the utopia no one has any emotion; Everyone lives life very dull. also Lois Lowry had very strong dialogue like the one on page 124-125, Jonas and the giver have a very meaningful talk,
             I am very happy to read the giver again and glad to be able to elaborate on it like I have, through the pass weeks. I am also glad that I had a chance to appreciate the book in many new ways.

Monday, October 18, 2010



While reading the Giver I started to appreciate it in many ways. In the Giver  I paid a lot more  attention to the details then I did the first time I read it. I found many speciall things that Lois Lowry put into the book.   In the book  Lois Lowry Imagination is very notable .  I noticed Lois Lowry had a very unique Imagination when she  tells the reader about the world and the daily life of the people. Also Lois Lowry puts her own style of writing into the book; With her emotion, and her diolage.               
          One way I appreciate Lois Lowry Imagination is how crazy she makes the world. When I first realized that the world in the book wasn’t like any other world, I was on page 3-4, When Asher had to apologizes his class and “instructor”  for being late, he also had to give reasoning how he was late; When I read that I thought if I was late to school I would probably try to make a excuse and take a late mark or have my mom write a note saying why I was late and I wouldn’t have to ask for the teacher to “accept  my apologue”.
           Another way I Appreciated the Giver was Lois Lowry Imagination on the characters.  One character that you can tell Lois Lowry put a lot of effort on is Jonas. I think Jonas is the Character that stands out the most because he is the one that is different and he was the one that didn’t agree with the utopia; Jonas also stated to question why they lived like they do and when they release one of the twins because he was different he snaps and led the rebellion.
           Lastly in the Giver I appreciated Lois Lowry Style of writing. One way Lois Lowry Style of writing was unique is the emotion she puts into the book; In the book she adds many type of emotion even though in the utopia no one has any emotion and lives life very dull. Also Lois Lowery had very strong diolage like the one on page 124-125 Jonas and the Giver have a very strong talk, it also has a lot of diolage going back and forth.
           I am very happy to read the giver again and glad to be able to elaborate on it like I have on the passed weeks. I am also glad that I had a chance to appreciate the book in many ways. 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

interview of lois lowery

What led you to write The Giver?
In 1992, my mother and my father, both in their late 80s, were residents of the same nursing home in Staunton, VA. My mother was blind and very frail but her mind was completely intact. My father was healthier, physically, but his memory was going. I would frequently fly down from Boston to see them. On one particular visit, my mother wanted to tell me the stories about her life. I sat and listened to her talk about her childhood, her college years, and her marriage to my dad. In the course of retelling those anecdotes, she related the details about the death of her first child, my sister Helen, clearly her saddest memory. But she wanted to retell it.  /
 I thought this was very intersting and very meaning ful. In this interview Lois Lowery talks about some things many dont like to talk about like the death of her sister. I can tell from this interview Lois Lowery is very strong and has many good stories. In the giver i can see how it relates to her real life and the things she went through

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Giver

The Giver

         In the Giver one of my favorite notes was about the Theme.  In the Giver  there are many themes like Death, Age , and Indivual vs. Society. I think Age is the main theme because it takes a big part in the book  When Jonas turns 12 he is suppopsed to see the Giver and When anyone turns 12 they have to do there job. Also if you are to old you will get realsed and if your a twin they can only keep one.  i am glad i got a chance to the read the giver again and get to talk/expand on it like we did.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

big idea


       In Charlotte's Web you will come across death many times.  In Charlotte's Web  when ever something dies a new thing is born.

      One example of death in Charlotte's Web   is on page 38. On this page Charlotte is killing the bug; Also on this page Wilbur is first meeting Charlotte, Wilbur thought that the killing of the bug was horrible... what a bad first impression . When the bug died Wilbur and Charlotte became good friends.

        Another example of death is on page 47. On this page the goose gives up one of her eggs to Templeton because it didn't hatch. When the goose gave the egg to Templeton she didn't seem to care much. when the egg didn't hatch the others did.

         The last example of death is on page 171 when Charlotte dies. This was one of the worst deaths because Charlotte plays such a big role in the book. When Charlotte dies she left a sac of eggs;  Since Charlotte couldn't take care of the eggs Wilbur kept them in his mouth to protect them. when Charlotte dies her eggs hatch.
           In Charlotte's Web   you come across death several times. As they say at every end a new Beginning starts.